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     We've passed the solstice, we've made it over the hump! There's a light at the end of the wintery tunnel, and it's called SPRING! August is made up of clear nights followed by frosty mornings which makes any kind of gardening tough. Nothing likes frost, and few things can withstand it. All the cold and wet months are a good time to get ahead in garden tool and shed maintenance. Cleaning and greasing, fixing and mending, a general tidy up, and restocking of the essentials.

     Next month is the first month of spring. So if you're planning on planting tomatoes, get started now! You'll see the difference. Organic compost, chook poo, water and straw mulch - come September this will be a 'bed' fit for a king! Well, at least the tomatoes will be grateful.

     Keep on top of the pruning and weeding so your pruned plants have the best chance of new thick bloom come spring, and your weeds don't become the main feature of your garden! You can top up your mulch up to 10 cm thick for it to start breaking down into your soil and giving you a head start next season.

     After pruning, especially the roses, use a protection spray to break the cycle of pests, and give those new little buds a fighting chance in the Spring.


At DSM we stock a range of Brunnings products.

-Rose Food: triple action; Rose Spray; White Oil; Eclipse: control release fertiliser; Citrus & Fruit Spray: 3 in 1; Fruit & Citrus Food; Soluble Fertiliser.

Anchor 1
Rose Spray
White Oil
Eclipse Potted Plant Fertiliser
Eclipse Native Fertiliser
Eclipse Rose Fertiliser
Eclipse Citrus, Trees & Shrubs
Green Up Lawn Food
Rose & Flower Food
Fruit & Citrus Food
Soluble Fertiliser
Feed'n Weed
Weed Kill
Fast Action Weed Kill
Bindii Kill

Happy gardening!

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