1 Pit Lane Hindmarsh Valley SA 5211
Ph. 85546292
Delivery Available Monday to Sunday
MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30am - 4:30pm
SATURDAYS 8:00am - 4:00pm
SUNDAYS 10:00am - 2:00pm
4 Coddington St Goolwa
SA 5214
Ph. 85550053
Delivery Available Monday to Saturday
MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30am - 4:30pm
SATURDAYS 8:00am - 2:00pm
SUNDAYS 10:00am - 2:00pm
Our Yard at 10 Flagstaff Hill Rd Middleton will now be the dedicated home of;
All Landscape Products and Services will continue to be available from Hindmarsh Valley and Goolwa.
Spring is when you should fertilize your lawn—
it’s the perfect time to boost your lawn’s growth and health,
and give it a strong start to summer.
Solid/pelletised fertilizer must be watered in, either with irrigation, or rain. If not dissolved, there’s no way for the grass to take in the nutrients.
Another reason spring is the best time to fertilize is because there is quite a bit more sunshine that in the winter months. A regularly fertilized lawn will have a much higher chance of riding out the intense heat and drought of summer.
Brunnings Green Up Lawn Food is specially formulated with nutrients to encourage greening and overall growth of healthy lawns. Contains NPK for growth and colour, strong root growth, and strength to aid in resistance against stress, fungal attacks and to aid in overall healthy lawn growth.
Contains Nitrogen for leaf growth and colour, Phosphorus for strong root growth and Potassium for strength and to aid in resistance to stress and fungus disease. Results should be visible in 7 days. Superior coverage to most lawn foods.
If your lawn is ‘spongy’, you might need to ‘dethatch’ it. Dethatching will remove the blades of grass that have died over winter. Otherwise the dead blades will build up and become thatch, giving that spongy feeling on your lawn. Mow the grass right back to the runners, and fertilize and water. Deep raking is also an effective way to dethatch your lawn.
Spring is also a good time to top dress your lawn. 80/20 garden loam (80% sand, 20% loam mix) is a great top dresser that is affordable, and locks in the moisture, giving your lawn a fresh new bed to get settled into before summer. When top dressing, it is important to not cover the blade entirely, ensure the tip is showing so it can grow through the surface of the loam. At DSM Landscape & Building Supplies we supply 80/20 Garden Loam and a number of lawn foods/fertilizers for your lawn care needs.
At DSM Landscape & Building Supplies you can also find a variety of lawn seed to suit your lawn - marathon couch, marathon kikuyu, and a tough lawn seed mix. Throughout the year your lawn will have developed bare patches, dog spots, and worn areas due to heavy traffic, or neglect. Sprinkle the seed and finish with a slow-release fertilizer. After about 5 weeks after the grass germinated, apply a quick-release nitrogen fertilizer.
Brunnings Marathon Couch is a lush green, strong and rapidly growing grass blend, that contains nursery cover for early germination, allowing the slower germinating Couch to establish.
Strong recuperative capacity after damage. Contains wetting agent, to help grow in dry areas. Enjoys full sun and is wear and drought tolerant. Best sowing spring, summer and Autumn.
Brunnings Marathon Kikuyu is a unique blend that creates an extremely hard-wearing lush green lawn for dry warm conditions. It contains a nursery cover of easy to establish lawn varieties to provide early germination, allowing the slower germinating Kikuyu to establish.
Results within 7-10 days. Sows 50 sq metres. Very coarse textured, yellow green leaves. Strong recuperative capacity after damage. Contains wetting agent, to help grow in dry areas. Enjoys full sun and is wear and drought tolerant. Best sowing time from late September to late February. Guaranteed to grow.
Brunnings Tough Lawn Seed is a tough and hardy blend that is easy to establish, is hard-wearing and evergreen.It is ideal for patching repairing, patching and oversowing areas.
Hardwearing , economical lawn seed blend. Quick to establish with results in 7-10 days. Remains green all year round with proper care. Grows in most soil or climate conditions (including clay, sandy, warmer states). Ideal for high traffic areas such as nature strips and back lawns. Blended with Easy Wetta granules for less watering.
Happy gardening!
Most people wait until summer to plant their summer garden. But by then it’s too late. Don’t make that mistake, plant now! Establish your garden in spring for the perfect harvest in summer.
early spring
Sweet corn
Snow peas
mid-late spring
Click here to view our Brunnings range of lawn care products!
Brunnings Green Up Lawn Food is specially formulated with nutrients to encourage greening and overall growth of healthy lawns. Contains NPK for growth and colour, strong root growth, and strength to aid in resistance against stress, fungal attacks and to aid in overall healthy lawn growth. Contains Nitrogen for leaf growth and colour, Phosphorus for strong root growth and Potassium for strength and to aid in resistance to stress and fungus disease. Results should be visible in 7 days.
Brunnings Marathon Couch is a lush green, strong and rapidly growing grass blend, that contains nursery cover for early germination, allowing the slower germinating Couch to establish. -Strong recuperative capacity after damage. -Contains wetting agent, to help grow in dry areas. -Enjoys full sun and is wear and drought tolerant. -Best sowing spring, summer and Autumn.
Brunnings Marathon Kikuyu is a unique blend that creates an extremely hard-wearing lush green lawn for dry warm conditions. It contains a nursery cover of easy to establish lawn varieties to provide early germination, allowing the slower germinating Kikuyu to establish. -Results within 7-10 days. -Very coarse textured, yellow green leaves. -Strong recuperative capacity after damage. -Enjoys full sun and is wear and drought tolerant. -Best sowing time from late September to late February.
Brunnings Tough Lawn Seed is a tough and hardy blend that is easy to establish, is hard-wearing and evergreen.It is ideal for patching repairing, patching and oversowing areas. -Hardwearing, economical lawn seed blend. -Quick to establish with results in 7-10 days. -Remains green all year round with proper care. -Grows in most soil or climate conditions (including clay, sandy, warmer states). -Ideal for high traffic areas such as nature strips and back lawns.